Health Promoting School/Service

If your child's early childhood service or primary school is a Move Well Eat Well Member, they are on the way to promoting healthy eating and physical activity.

When services or schools achieve their Award it means they have put a lot of effort into making sure healthy eating and physical activity is happening every day.

Help your child's service or school move from Member to Award status!

Chat with:

  • The Principal, teachers or educators so they know you support their efforts. They will be pleased to hear from you!
  • Your School Association, P&F or other parent group about Move Well Eat Well.
  • Contact us If you would like to speak with one of our team about healthy fundraising ideas, and then you can talk to other parents about how you might introduce them.

Share ideas and resources:

  • Talk to other parents about the benefits of making healthy eating and physical activity positive, normal and easy for children.
  • Offer to help plan healthy eating or physical activity activities. Use recipes and ideas from this website.

Help plan:

  • Offer to join the school's or early childhood service's Move Well Eat Well Action Team.
  • Use time at a regular parents' meeting to generate ideas to support the school achieve each criteria.
  • Look at the areas where your school or early childhood service is already achieving success. It may be worth celebrating how far you have come already.
  • Use occasions where parents are helping out, to reinforce the key messages, e.g. make water available for parent volunteers, have a healthy snack for parents groups, encourage parents to walk to school or early childhood service events, when possible and practical.

Need more ideas?  Drop us a line and we'll do what we can to assist. or ph 6166 0617.