Recognised Leader Profile - Wendy Cracknell

Wendy was nominated for the 10 years she has led Move Well Eat Well at Lauderdale Primary School, in advisory committee roles for MWEW, at Curriculum Services within the Department of Education and now at Howrah Primary School.

Wendy has:

  • Led and modelled MWEW with energy and enthusiasm
  • Maintained school wide drive and motivation
  • Mobilised others to believe and act for the MWEW cause

She is a great MWEW Leader because she:

  • Demonstrates sustained leadership in the field of Health and Well-being.
  • Embodies the philosophies and practices of MWEW - as a class teacher, school leader, in leadership roles and in her business and extra-curriculum physical activities.

Overall Wendy has; assisted schools to get Move Well Eat Well started, helped schools maintain their Move Well Eat Well Award, advocated for healthy eating and physical activity at schools and promoted Move Well Eat Well messages in school communities.